Capsules Endscopy Perth
Capsule endoscopy: what it is and why it’s needed
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When it comes to investigating the health of your digestive system, there are a range of tools and techniques available. Capsule endoscopy is one of the more advanced options, but it’s not the first choice for most cases. This article will explain what capsule endoscopy is, why it’s sometimes necessary, and how it fits into your care at Westside Gastroenterology.
Capsules Endscopy Perth
What is capsule endoscopy?
Capsule endoscopy is a procedure that allows us to examine the small intestine, a part of your digestive system that’s tricky to reach with standard tools like a gastroscope or colonoscope.
The process involves swallowing a small capsule, about the size of a large vitamin tablet, which contains a tiny camera. As the capsule moves through your digestive system, it takes thousands of pictures. It either records the images on its own memory chip, or sends them wirelessly to a small recording device you wear on your body, such as a lightweight belt or harness.
Dr Callum Pearce
Gastroenterologist Murdoch
The procedure is painless, doesn’t require sedation, and is generally considered quite convenient. Once you’ve swallowed the capsule, you can go about your day as it works its way through your system. It passes naturally and doesn’t need to be retrieved.
When is capsule endoscopy recommended?
While capsule endoscopy is a great tool, it’s not the first step in diagnosing digestive issues. Before considering this procedure, you would typically have a gastroscopy and colonoscopy. These procedures are used to check the stomach, oesophagus, and colon and are great at finding common causes of problems like bleeding or low iron.
Capsule endoscopy comes into play when these standard procedures don’t provide answers. If you’ve had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy but are still experiencing unexplained gastrointestinal bleeding or iron deficiency anaemia, capsule endoscopy can help us investigate further.
Why isn’t it used for everyone?
Capsule endoscopy isn’t suitable for every patient or every digestive concern. It’s specifically designed for those with unresolved issues, such as bleeding or anaemia, that can’t be explained by other tests. The government (PBS) only subsidises the cost of the procedure for these specific conditions. If your symptoms are related to something like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), capsule endoscopy wouldn’t be appropriate.
What are the benefits of capsule endoscopy?
One of the key benefits of capsule endoscopy is its ability to provide clear images of the small intestine, which is difficult to access with traditional methods. It’s also minimally invasive—there are no tubes or sedation involved—and it doesn’t require time off work or a lengthy recovery.
“Capsule endoscopy is a powerful tool for finding answers when standard procedures fall short. It’s convenient and effective, but it’s only needed in specific situations.”
Dr Callum Pearce
Gastroenterologist Perth
Why endoscopy is still essential
It’s important to remember that capsule endoscopy isn’t a replacement for traditional endoscopies like gastroscopy or colonoscopy. These tests are essential first steps in investigating most gastrointestinal issues. They provide immediate results and allow for biopsies or treatments to be performed during the procedure if necessary. Without these, we wouldn’t have the information we need to determine whether capsule endoscopy is needed.
Capsule Endoscopy at Westside Gastroenterology
What to expect at Westside Gastroenterology
At Westside Gastroenterology, we perform around 100 capsule endoscopies each year, making us highly experienced in this specialised procedure. If capsule endoscopy is recommended for you, we’ll ensure you’re fully informed about what to expect and how it fits into your broader care plan.
We’ll also guide you through any preparation required and answer any questions you might have.
Gastroenterologist Murdoch Square
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Formerly known as Wexford Gastro, we have rebranded to reflect our new address while maintaining the same exceptional care and expertise you’ve come to trust.